Rockstar Bingo has Spotify integration, meaning that with a subscription you can easily access your own Spotify playlists and play musical bingo with songs that you all love! From Pop to Disney Hits, Rock to K-Pop, there really could be a Rockstar Bingo game for everyone. Players simply head to and type in the game code – and by magic, a virtual bingo card arrives on your screen! Now this is where it all changes, instead of a PDF, piece of paper or similar – players can play simply via an app online service – no more need for soggy papers, dry dabbers or lost sheets. The host will play a short snippet of the song, and players mark the songs they recognize. Players have cards with song and artist titles on the squares instead of the usual bingo numbers. Music bingo is an exciting twist on the traditional bingo game. With affordable pricing, why not order some food alongside your event to make a great music bingo night for your Christmas office party night? How does Music Bingo work?
Separate the pop music fan and the rock music lover – get to know your colleagues. With a range of music bingo playlists available on our Spotify profile, or the ability to use your own playlist, there is a great choice of themes for your music bingo night. This is a fun idea and interactive game that can be paid virtually or in person in the office.
Music bingo is a great idea for office Christmas parties or for team building.